Montana KIDS

We love children at MABC and we cherish the privilege that we have in assisting parents to diligently teach their children the truth of God’s Word (Deut 6:6-7). We strive to bless our families in three main areas of ministry: teaching, worship and discipleship. We trust that through our Montana KIDS programs we are honoring and glorifying God, blessing families as well as evangelizing, teaching and discipling Jesus’ church at the youngest of ages!

Children’s Sunday School:

On Sunday mornings at 9:30 am, we offer Sunday School classes for all ages at MABC with a goal of teaching God’s Word at age appropriate levels, and to reinforce solid biblical doctrine from the youngest to the oldest among us.

Age 3-5 | 1-3rd Grade | 4-6th Grade


Children’s Church:

In addition, we offer a Children’s Church opportunity (for children ages 3 to 5th grade) during the time of preaching during our regular church service. We believe that we can more effectively communicate the truths of God’s Word to these young ones through a separate time of instruction, and we can also give parents the opportunity to be able to focus on the preaching of the Word as we help to care for them and their children.

MABC Wednesdays

Lastly, we enjoy the use of the AWANA Clubs program for our children (ages 3 through 6th grade) which we strive to use as a discipling tool to encourage the memorization and understanding of the Bible.


"Awana® and the Awana logo are registered trademarks and service marks of Awana Clubs International. Used by permission."


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As we have the privilege of ministering to families at MABC, we take our responsibility very seriously, not only in what we teach, but also in who can work with our children. To this end, we have designed our Safe & Secure program with an application, background check, and policies aimed to keep your children Safe and Secure. We understand that we cannot prevent every act of sin that people choose to do, but we will do our best to keep our Montana KIDS safe and secure from the sins of others.